Through seven lessons, you'll learn key expressions for various phone scenarios. By course end, you'll confidently handle diverse phone conversations. Here's an overview of each lesson:
Lesson 1: Making Appointments
- Learn phrases for scheduling and rescheduling appointments.
- Handle appointment-related conversations with ease.
Lesson 2: Handling Business
- Calls Master professional phone communication: introducing purpose, transfers, clarifications, and gratitude.
Lesson 3: Informal Chats
- Enhance relaxed conversations with friends, covering catch-ups, casual meetings, and friendly communication.
Lesson 4: Calling Restaurants
- Navigate restaurant calls: reservations, specials, pickups, and closing times.
Lesson 5: Contacting Customer
- Service Effectively interact with customer service: concerns, assistance, orders, complaints, refunds, and warranty queries.
Lesson 6: Emergency Situations
- Handle emergencies: accidents, fires, medical issues, and seeking immediate help.
Lesson 7: Inquiring at Schools or Universities
- Confidently inquire about education: enrollment, requirements, deadlines, fees, and campus visits.
Upon completion, you'll confidently navigate phone conversations in various scenarios. Enhance your communication skills and excel in real-world interactions!